A life full of fun things: social media manager, photographer, and video maker/editor based in Rome, Italy. In December 2017 I graduated from John Cabot University where I earned a BA in Communications with a minor in Art History. I've been working as sport photographer and video maker for the Athletics Dpt. of my Alma Mater since 2016. While getting a 1st-level Master Diploma in Strategic Marketing and Digital Media Communication at JCU in 2019, I also worked as freelance social media manager for small companies located in Rome. Having always been passionate about sports, the year 2019 saw my return to the swimming pool and my participation in the International Sport Festivals ACG in Athens and WIUC in Pola, together with the JCU Gladiators sports teams: perfect combo of sport photography and athlete performance.
I love everything related to media, communications, and art.
As a music lover, I worked as live music photographer and video maker at Roman live music club Chinaski Punto. Since I met italian band Lateral Blast in 2015, I've channelled my love for music and photography into working for several bands, events, and festivals in the area of Rome.
Loving art in large terms, I've also developed academic skills in studying, analyzing, and dealing with media texts and in particular in the fields of cinema and art history.
As I was a competitive swimmer for 15 years, I've always had a strong character which has allowed me to work hard, focus, and manage time to achieve the best results in every working condition.
Creative, reflective, and curious describe my persona; traveling, sports, and shots.
2019 - Article Publication OsservatorioCulturaLavoro - Volontariato All'Avventura
2018 - Gladiator Spirit Award
2017 - Short Story Publication - Ex Animo, issue 1
2015 - Article Publication - The Culture Trip
2014 - Non-Fiction Essay Honorable Mention - Italy Writes
John Cabot Athletics PhotographerVideoMaker 2016-present
Istituto Italiano Cultura BIM Social Media Manager 2019-present
PlayMasterMovie Social Media Manager 2018-19
Charta Roma Social Media Manager 2018
Walk and Ride for Research (non-profit) PR, Social Media 2018
Castello di C'Arte, Strange Days Festival Photographer 2016-17
Discordant Hemispheres' band manager 2017-18